# Go-Furaffinity-SDK --- ## IMPORTANT: THIS IS JUST A PROOF OF CONCEPT AT THE MOMENT This SDK misses many features and is not optimized in any way. Please use it with caution! --- This is a Go SDK for interacting with Furaffinity. It provides functionalities to parse dates, handle cookies, and fetch submission data from Furaffinity. ## Directory Structure The project is organized into several packages: - ``furaffinaty``: Contains the main client for interacting with Furaffinity. - ``models``: Defines the data structures used in the project. - ``utils``: Provides utility functions such as date parsing. ## Usage First, initialize a new Furaffinity client with your username and cookies: ```go cookies := models.Cookie{ A: os.Getenv("COOKIE_A"), B: os.Getenv("COOKIE_B"), } collyOptions := []colly.CollectorOption{ colly.Debugger(&debug.LogDebugger{}), } faClient := furaffinaty.NewClient("YourUsername", cookies, collyOptions) ``` You can then use the client to fetch submission IDs: ````go SubmissionIDs, err := faClient.GetSubmissionIDs() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } ```` And fetch submissions: ````go submissions, err := faClient.GetSubmissions(1) // Fetch 1 submission if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } ```` ## Dependencies This project uses the following dependencies: - `github.com/gocolly/colly/v2`: For web scraping. - `github.com/davecgh/go-spew/spew`: For pretty-printing variables for debugging. - `github.com/joho/godotenv/autoload`: For loading environment variables from a .env file. ## Environment Variables The project uses the following environment variables: - ``COOKIE_A``: Your Furaffinity cookie A. - ``COOKIE_B``: Your Furaffinity cookie B. These should be set in your environment or in a ``.env`` file in the root directory of the project.