-- +migrate Up CREATE TYPE ReportType AS ENUM ( 'duplicate', 'missing_data', 'rating_abuse', 'illegal_content' ); CREATE TYPE ReportState AS ENUM ( 'pending_unclaimed', 'pending', 'approved', 'partial', 'rejected' ); CREATE TABLE "PostReport" ( id CHAR(25) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, created_at TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, updated_at TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, deleted_at TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NULL, post_id CHAR(25) NOT NULL REFERENCES "Post" (id), report_by TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES "User" (id), report_description TEXT NOT NULL, audit_by TEXT NULL REFERENCES "User" (id), audit_description TEXT NOT NULL, report_type ReportType NOT NULL, report_state ReportState NOT NULL );