# Anthrove Plug SDK Anthrove Plug SDK is a Golang-based Software Development Kit (SDK) that provides a gRPC server implementation for the Anthrove system. This SDK enables users to easily set up a server, establish a database connection, and set a task execution function. ## Installation To install the Anthrove Plug SDK, you will need to have Go installed on your system. You can then use the go get command to fetch the SDK: ```bash go get git.anthrove.art/anthrove/plug-sdk/v2 ``` ## Usage Below is a basic example of how to use the SDK: ````go import "git.anthrove.art/anthrove/plug-sdk/v2/pkg/plug" // Define what Source this Plug is used for source := models.Source{ DisplayName: "e621", Domain: "e621.net", Icon: "e621.net/icon.png", } // Create a new Plug instance p := plug.NewPlug(ctx, "localhost", "50051", source) // Set the OtterSpace database p.WithOtterSpace(database) // Set the task execution function p.TaskExecutionFunction(func(ctx context.Context, database database.OtterSpace, sourceUsername string, anthroveUser models.User, deepScrape bool, apiKey string, cancelFunction func()) error { // Your task execution logic here }) // Set the send message execution function p.SendMessageExecution(func(ctx context.Context, userSourceID string, message string) error { // Your message sending logic here }) // Start the server err := p.Listen() if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Failed to start server: %v", err) } ````