# Anthrove Plug SDK Anthrove Plug SDK is a Golang-based Software Development Kit (SDK) that provides a gRPC server implementation for the Anthrove system. This SDK enables users to easily set up a server, establish a database connection, and set a task execution function. ## Installation To install the Anthrove Plug SDK, you will need to have Go installed on your system. You can then use the go get command to fetch the SDK: ```bash go get git.anthrove.art/Anthrove/plug-sdk/v3 ``` ## Usage Below is a basic example of how to use the SDK: ### proposed Plug structure ```` your-project/ │ ├── cmd │ └── your-plug │ └── main.go ├── config ├── internal │ ├── service │ └── utils └── go.mod ```` ### confog.go ````go package config import ( "fmt" "github.com/caarlos0/env/v10" "github.com/go-playground/validator/v10" ) type CoreConfig struct { LogLevel string `env:"LOG_LEVEL" envDefault:"INFO" validate:"eq_ignore_case=FATAL|eq_ignore_case=ERROR|eq_ignore_case=WARN|eq_ignore_case=INFO|eq_ignore_case=DEBUG|eq_ignore_case=TRACE"` LogFormat string `env:"LOG_FORMAT" envDefault:"PLAIN" validate:"eq_ignore_case=PLAIN|eq_ignore_case=JSON"` } type PlugConfig struct { PlugDomain string `env:"PLUG_DOMAIN" envDefault:"e621.net"` PlugIcon string `env:"PLUG_ICON" envDefault:"https://e621.net/safari-pinned-tab.svg"` PlugDisplayName string `env:"PLUG_DISPLAY_NAME" envDefault:"e621.net"` PlugAPIKey string `env:"PLUG_API_KEY,required"` PlugUsername string `env:"PLUG_USERNAME,required"` } // LoadConfig loads the configuration from environment variables and validates it. func LoadConfig[T any](cfg T) (T, error) { if err := env.Parse(&cfg); err != nil { return cfg, fmt.Errorf("config: error parsing configuration: %w", err) } validate := validator.New() if err := validate.Struct(cfg); err != nil { return cfg, fmt.Errorf("config: validation error: %w", err) } return cfg, nil } ```` ### main.go ````go package main import ( "context" log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus" "your-repo-path/config" "your-repo-path/internal/service" "your-repo-path/internal/utils" "your-repo-path/pkg/database" "your-repo-path/pkg/models" "your-repo-path/pkg/plug" ) // plugConfig holds the orchestrator configuration var coreConfig config.CoreConfig var plugConfig config.PlugConfig var databaseConfig models.DatabaseConfig // init is used to load the orchestrator configuration func init() { // Load the orchestrator configuration localCoreConfig, err := config.LoadConfig[config.CoreConfig](coreConfig) if err != nil { log.Panic(err) } coreConfig = localCoreConfig // Load the plug configuration localPlugConfig, err := config.LoadConfig[config.PlugConfig](plugConfig) if err != nil { log.Panic(err) } plugConfig = localPlugConfig // Load the database configuration localDatabaseConfig, err := config.LoadConfig[models.DatabaseConfig](databaseConfig) if err != nil { log.Panic(err) } databaseConfig = localDatabaseConfig } func main() { var err error var ctx = context.Background() // Initiate logging setup utils.SetupLogger(coreConfig.LogLevel, coreConfig.LogFormat) // Initiate database connection err = database.Connect(ctx, databaseConfig) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } // Setup Source source := models.Source{ DisplayName: plugConfig.DisplayName, Domain: models.SourceDomain(plugConfig.Domain), Icon: plugConfig.Icon, } err = plug.SetupOpenTelemetry(ctx, "your-plug") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } plug.SetTaskExecutionFunction(service.YourTaskFunction) plug.SetGetMessageExecutionFunction(service.YourMessageFunction) err = plug.Listen(ctx, ":8080", source) if err != nil { panic(err) } } ````