package plug import ( "context" "slices" "" "" "" ) var BatchSize = 50 func BatchPostProcessing(ctx context.Context, userSource models.UserSource, posts []models.Post) error { db, err := database.GetGorm(ctx) if err != nil { return err } postIDs := make([]string, 0, len(posts)) for _, post := range posts { postIDs = append(postIDs, post.References[0].SourcePostID) } existingPosts, err := getAnthrovePost(ctx, db, userSource.SourceID, postIDs) // Third Query if err != nil { return err } // for loop to convert PostReference to Post IDs var existingPostIDs []models.PostID for _, post := range existingPosts { existingPostIDs = append(existingPostIDs, models.PostID(post.PostID)) } var existingFavPostIDs []models.PostID existingFavPostIDs, err = getAlreadyFavoritesPostIDs(ctx, db, existingPostIDs, userSource.ID) // Fourth Query if err != nil { return err } anthroveFaves := make([]models.UserFavorite, 0, len(existingPosts)) newPosts := make([]models.Post, 0, len(existingPosts)) for _, post := range posts { if !slices.ContainsFunc(existingPosts, func(reference models.PostReference) bool { found := reference.SourcePostID == post.References[0].SourcePostID if found { // If Favoure is already existing skip this step TODO if !slices.Contains(existingFavPostIDs, models.PostID(reference.PostID)) { anthroveFaves = append(anthroveFaves, models.UserFavorite{ UserID: userSource.UserID, PostID: models.PostID(reference.PostID), UserSourceID: userSource.ID, }) } } return found }) { // Here we always need to create a fav because new post, so new fav too! anthroveFaves = append(anthroveFaves, models.UserFavorite{ UserID: userSource.UserID, PostID: post.ID, UserSourceID: userSource.ID, }) newPosts = append(newPosts, post) } } if len(newPosts) > 0 { err = database.CreatePostInBatch(ctx, newPosts, BatchSize) // Fifth Query if err != nil { return err } } if len(anthroveFaves) > 0 { err = database.CreateUserFavoriteInBatch(ctx, anthroveFaves, BatchSize) // Sixth Query if err != nil { return err } } return nil } func getAnthrovePost(ctx context.Context, gorm *gorm.DB, id models.SourceID, postIDs []string) ([]models.PostReference, error) { var existingPosts []models.PostReference err := gorm.WithContext(ctx).Model(models.PostReference{}).Find(&existingPosts, "source_id = ? AND source_post_id IN ?", id, postIDs).Error if err != nil { return existingPosts, err } return existingPosts, nil } func getAlreadyFavoritesPostIDs(ctx context.Context, gorm *gorm.DB, existingPostIDs []models.PostID, userSourceID models.UserSourceID) ([]models.PostID, error) { var existingFavPostIDS []models.PostID // SELECT * FROM UserFavourite WHERE post_id IN (Post IDS) AND user_source_id = {your id} // Second Query err := gorm.WithContext(ctx).Model(&models.UserFavorite{}).Select("post_id").Find(&existingFavPostIDS, "user_source_id = ? AND post_id IN ?", userSourceID, existingPostIDs).Error if err != nil { return existingFavPostIDS, err } return existingFavPostIDS, nil }