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Anthrove Plug SDK

Anthrove Plug SDK is a Golang-based Software Development Kit (SDK) that provides a gRPC server implementation for the Anthrove system. This SDK enables users to easily set up a server, establish a database connection, and set a task execution function.


To install the Anthrove Plug SDK, you will need to have Go installed on your system. You can then use the go get command to fetch the SDK:

go get


Below is a basic example of how to use the SDK:

proposed Plug structure

├── cmd
│   └── your-plug
│       └── main.go
├── config
├── internal
│   ├── service
│   └── utils
└── go.mod


package config

import (


type CoreConfig struct {
	LogLevel  string `env:"LOG_LEVEL" envDefault:"INFO" validate:"eq_ignore_case=FATAL|eq_ignore_case=ERROR|eq_ignore_case=WARN|eq_ignore_case=INFO|eq_ignore_case=DEBUG|eq_ignore_case=TRACE"`
	LogFormat string `env:"LOG_FORMAT" envDefault:"PLAIN" validate:"eq_ignore_case=PLAIN|eq_ignore_case=JSON"`

type PlugConfig struct {
	PlugDomain      string `env:"PLUG_DOMAIN" envDefault:""`
	PlugIcon        string `env:"PLUG_ICON" envDefault:""`
	PlugDisplayName string `env:"PLUG_DISPLAY_NAME" envDefault:""`
	PlugAPIKey      string `env:"PLUG_API_KEY,required"`
	PlugUsername    string `env:"PLUG_USERNAME,required"`

// LoadConfig loads the configuration from environment variables and validates it.
func LoadConfig[T any](cfg T) (T, error) {

	if err := env.Parse(&cfg); err != nil {
		return cfg, fmt.Errorf("config: error parsing configuration: %w", err)

	validate := validator.New()
	if err := validate.Struct(cfg); err != nil {
		return cfg, fmt.Errorf("config: validation error: %w", err)

	return cfg, nil


package main

import (

	log ""

// plugConfig holds the orchestrator configuration
var coreConfig config.CoreConfig
var plugConfig config.PlugConfig
var databaseConfig models.DatabaseConfig

// init is used to load the orchestrator configuration
func init() {
	// Load the orchestrator configuration
	localCoreConfig, err := config.LoadConfig[config.CoreConfig](coreConfig)
	if err != nil {
	coreConfig = localCoreConfig

	// Load the plug configuration
	localPlugConfig, err := config.LoadConfig[config.PlugConfig](plugConfig)
	if err != nil {
	plugConfig = localPlugConfig

	// Load the database configuration
	localDatabaseConfig, err := config.LoadConfig[models.DatabaseConfig](databaseConfig)
	if err != nil {
	databaseConfig = localDatabaseConfig

func main() {
	var err error
	var ctx = context.Background()
	// Initiate logging setup
	utils.SetupLogger(coreConfig.LogLevel, coreConfig.LogFormat)

	// Initiate database connection
	err = database.Connect(ctx, databaseConfig)
	if err != nil {

	// Setup Source
	source := models.Source{
		DisplayName: plugConfig.DisplayName,
		Domain:      models.SourceDomain(plugConfig.Domain),
		Icon:        plugConfig.Icon,

	err = plug.SetupOpenTelemetry(ctx, "your-plug")
	if err != nil {

	err = plug.Listen(ctx, ":8080", source)
	if err != nil {